About WMI

Water Missions International is a nonprofit Christian engineering organization providing sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas.

                  Walking for Water B    Collecting Dirty Water

Since 2001, Water Missions International has responded to the world's largest natural disasters and daily tackles the world's single biggest cause of illness lack of safe water and adequate sanitation (U.N. Report, 2005) through safe water community development projects.

Safe water is the source of life. It is the foundation for health, education and viable economies. Through the generous support of individuals, churches, our corporate partners and many others, Water Missions International has brought relief and hope to more than 2.4 million people across the globe in 49 different countries on 5 different continents.  We also have 10 permanent country programs with in-country staff.

The global safe water crisis is much more than just a lack of safe water. People are trapped in cyclical poverty with no way out. Providing those people with access to safe water gives them an opportunity – an opportunity to go to school, work and play free from the stress of dirty, disease-filled water.

Water Missions International takes a comprehensive approach to combating the crisis. We don’t simply place a water system in a community and leave. We design and customize sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions to meet the needs of individual communities. We also partner with the recipient community throughout the process of implementing a project. Following installation and implementation, our staff monitor and evaluate the project and follow-up with the community to ensure the projects sustainability and success.

Our efficient and effective solutions use best-in-class technology and focus heavily on community development. We know that safe water and sanitation projects are most successful when the community being served has buy-in. We partner with members of the community and local leaders to implement the solution, educate the community about hygiene and help guide them on a path towards a future of permanent access to safe water. 

Donations collected for the Walk for Water will support Water Missions International's response to the global water crisis through sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions around the world. Water Missions International has received Charity Navigator’s top rating nine years in a row.

Water Missions International is a US Registered 501(c)(3) organization: Tax ID Number 57-1116978.

Water Missions International is transforming communities and changing lives every day.
Together, we're solving the global water crisis community by community.

Water Flowing

Visit www.watermissions.org today to learn more!

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